Sunday, February 19, 2023

‘You Say the Attendance System Is Law? Fine, I’ll Use It to My Advantage’ : Fed up Employee Plays Work System via Malicious Compliance, Following Bossy Manager’s Unfair Formal Rebuke

A boss with an imperious attitude… what else is new? If you've ever been reprimanded unfairly by upper management, join the club. To think we're all humans at the end of the day who have their own issues, go to the bathroom and cringe at the lack of toilet paper, drink one too many beers, cry over an ex… it's crazy how authority can make you forget all that, leading to unjust actions toward an employee. 

This employee in particular was a model worker — so he was a little more than surprised when his manager called him into her office for an earful. She was concerned about the extra 15 minutes that were missing from his shift a week earlier, accusing him of taking more time during one of his breaks. I'm already groaning, but I'll carry on nonetheless: He was adamant that he had not in fact, taken more time than usual (save for perhaps one minute, but who's counting?). 

She wasn't having any of that, so he took it upon himself to investigate the matter for himself. He found out that the punch system wasn't rounding the amount of time he worked while on break, but rather the time at which he punched. Instead of divulging the information to her, he decided to take action. Scroll down for a detailed description of his malicious compliance…

You can check out some more MC here, where veterinary students got back at the school system.

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