Wednesday, February 22, 2023

'Security was called': Nepo baby gets fired from resort where her parents are members, parents go full-Karen and entire family gets banned for life

It turns out nepo babies even have it easier when it comes to getting that first crappy job that we all have to go through, but that doesn't mean you're actually going to be successful in the role. 

These "first jobs" usually consist of a workplace environment where "doing what you're told" is pretty much your only required skill. So not doing what you're told—because you're an entitled little turd of a human being—generally won't get you very far. That is unless your family has enough money and enough power that they're afraid to fire you. Unfortunately, for this nepo baby, that wasn't quite the case.

Mommy and Daddy, like a lot of rich and powerful people, have been consistently taught that "applying pressure" on service people by screaming and yelling at them will always get them the result they want. When this stops working, they keep screaming and yelling—until the authorities are involved and until they're banned for life.

This family should be proud; they even got pictures of their esteemed family hung up in the resort for all to see—just at the security guard's station instead of in the donor's lounge. 

Keep reading for this deliciously satisfying tale below. For more, check out this nepo baby boss who attempted to force their workers to work on PTO.

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