Friday, January 27, 2023

The Best Service Industry Memes of the Week for Servers and Bartenders Who Never Thought They'd Be Here This Long (January 27, 2022)

It all starts when you take that summer job during college at the local restaurant when you're studying to be a doctor. It's fast paced, the money's pretty good, and your entire employee roster has hooked up with pretty much everybody. Sometimes you might even get free food! When you're 20, that's the dream right? Well then the money got too good and you forgot about post-grad degrees. The longer you were bussing the tables, the more they moved you up on the hierarchy and then you became a ~server~, the most coveted position in the room. Now, you're making bank on tips and wondering why your back hurts all the time and your cheeks get tight from fake smiling all night. Oh, that's because you're 30 now and the last decade of partying with your coworkers and spending all your cash has flown by pretty fast. Uh oh. Well, at least your entire friend group works on the weekends and parties on Monday so there's no reason to start being a corporate clown at this point. You might as well go to bartending school and just become a part of the system.

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