Thursday, January 12, 2023

30+ Disastrous, Disgusting, and Disturbing Hair Fails That Redefine 'Bad Hair Day'

These customers must have asked their barbers to ruin their lives. That can be the only explanation for some of the most disastrous, disgusting, and disturbing haircut fails I have come across on the Internet. 


Now, if you're like me, you probably over-exaggerate a bit when you have a bad hair day. Or perhaps you rolled out of bed one day and didn't have time to shower before work and your hair looks like whatever was on top of Edward Scissorhands' head. You think everyone's looking at you, you think your hair will never be the same again, and you're fighting the urge to scream. The slightest uneven haircut or the mildest bad hair day can feel apocalyptic. 


However, once you've taken a moment to look at these ridiculous cuts, your mentality might change. Firstly, these people clearly want to be seen, which means they don't just have bad hair, they are also delusional narcissists. Hopefully, scrolling through this list will be a much-needed reminder that you, dear reader, are neither of those things. For more, take a look at this list of insufferable coworkers.

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