Tuesday, January 3, 2023

20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Interacting with strangers is a curious thing: Two people with a lifetime of experiences… thoughts, ideals, goals, and passions; colliding together for a single moment (or mere moments), resulting in each person forming the static two-dimensional projection that is their impression of the other person. 

How was that person in that moment? There are so many ways to define or categorize this: Were they amiable or antagonistic? If antagonistic, was that born from a lack of understanding — or a conflicting opinion or target goal? Who is to say what stresses or thoughts were affecting them at that moment that caused them to act in the way they did? I think it's pretty safe to say — if we're being completely honest with ourselves — that each of us has probably acted, at one point or another, in ways that were (otherwise) uncharacteristic of ourselves or didn't give the impression we would have liked to have given. Is there a chance that we've been the "Karen" or "Entitled Person" in someone else's life? Are we doomed to live forever in that moment in their mind?

Perhaps the people in this post don't deserve such consideration, but then again — maybe they do. Who am I to say? I'm just the guy dropping some philosophical thoughts that you didn't sign up for at the start of a list of images on the internet. 

Keep reading for this collection of Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars. For more, check out this earlier collection.

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