Sunday, December 4, 2022

‘I need to park here, get out...’ 'I live here, that's not how it works': Scowling Karen throws tantrum for parking spot, dude already parked there hilariously goes feral 'Boston' on her

It's not very often that you render a Karen speechless, but when it happens everything feels alright in the world. At least for that moment when the Karen looks at you shocked with utterly nothing to say. So epically satisfying. Recently, a construction worker from Boston had that moment and shared it online and it's truly making everyone's day. 

The construction worker, Tyler Dilisio was sitting in his van outside of his home before heading out to work. While he was sitting there minding his own business, a Karen came along and did what they do best, and insert herself into somebody's else's business. She aggressively knocked on this man's car window and demand he leave that parking spot because she needed that spot and he had no right to be there. He looked at her stunned, but with no intention of giving this lady the benefit of the doubt. He stood his ground, told her he is not moving, that is his parking spot, and he lives there. She did not care—obviously. She said she deserved the parking spot, not him, and he had to move or she was going to report his license plate number. (LOL) He made it clear he was absolutely not moving from that spot and she responded by calling him a "disgusting piece of crap."

Usually, that is when somebody would either walk away or look at the Karen in disbelief, but not a Bostonian. Without missing a beat, he looked her in her smug Karen face and said in the most epic Boston accent, "ya mother." The look she gave in response to that was simply priceless. Twitter is blowing up about it, TikTok can't get enough of watching this Karen's shocked face. It's good to know that just going feral "Boston" on a Karen is the most effective path when dealing in their childish tantrums. 

Watch the video and read the hilarious responses below. 

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