Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Throwback Jokes and Fails That Aging Millennials Will Treasure

Some people age like fine wine, and then there are millennials. Children of the 90s who remember a universe before the iPhone are a rare and special breed of humans. These are the kids who grew up in the days of the walkman, who lived through the breakup of the century (that would be Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, of course), and who will run to the dance floor the minute "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" starts playing (and yes, they remember the dance too!). For those of you who identify with these vivid descriptions, these memes and tweets are for you. You might notice that many of these jokes feature throwbacks to your favorite era of music. Sure, every generation thinks music peaked during its respective middle school years, but for today, we'll give the aging millennials a break and humor them. Keep scrolling below for these throwbacks jokes and fails. For more content like this, take a look at these relatable work memes.

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