Wednesday, November 9, 2022

'Do you know who I am?': Base commander demands immediate medical assistance for nonemergency, medic maliciously complies

It's often the case that the most effective soliton for an unreasonable demand involves following that demand to the letter. If you refuse to comply, you're likely just going to cause yourself even more annoyance and trouble, but if you maliciously comply, you have the added benefit of leaving the command-giver to either discover their error on their own or crash and burn in a blaze of glory. Either result will have the desired effect: Getting them off your ass.

This is how it was for Reddit user, u/Kinkar66, who was drafted as a medic to their country's military and found themselves working in a base hospital. When the base commander came in for an appointment and began throwing their weight around, u/Kinkar66 saw the perfect chance to execute the order in the most malicious way possible — landing their spineless-bootlicking boss in hot water in the same fell swoop. 

Keep reading for this glorious tale of military-malicious compliance, for more, check out this subordinate who obliged their commander's demand that every expense pass across their desk for approval, a command they lived to regret. 

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