Saturday, October 15, 2022

Software engineer stops helping sexist coworker, lets them show their true colors and screw themselves

It's unfortunate that people with really crappy personalities are often allowed to subsist, even thrive, within our workplaces and communities. We're all guilty of and complicit in this happening; all too often, we silently allow these people to exist amongst us and even help them succeed for fear of "rocking the boat" or "causing a scene." Unfortunately, this only enables them in their secretly destructive ways, and by not dealing with the problems when we see them, we let them go on to do harm and victimize others. To be fair to those who stay silent, once these people manage to seize power within their circle, they're often extremely effective at silencing those who have, or might, speak out against them.

How often has this happened within celebrity circles in the last ten years? There will be someone in a position of power whom everyone knows is terrible. Still, it's only once they've been thrust fully into the light and exposed that those who haven't been personally victimized are willing to do something about it. While these "open secrets" are allowed abuse unchecked, they take victims who should have never even been exposed to them in the first place.

Reddit user u/Many_Bridge4619 suddenly realized they were helping their sexist coworker to succeed in their workplace, and in turn, as the coworker revealed more and more of their true nature, they found a solution to the problem. They stopped helping the coworker and gave them enough rope to hang themselves with, then watched as they floundered and revealed this true nature for all to see.

Keep reading to see the screenshots. Worth noting here that the author gets confused with their names partway through and starts intermixing the names "John" and "Mike" in relation to the sexist coworker and another engineer on their team. Other than that, it's a solid read.

For more terrible coworkers check out this coworker who tried to tell a woman that she was only promoted because of her large breasts.

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