Sunday, October 9, 2022

Funniest Random Starter Packs From This Week on Reddit That Actually Make Sense

How were stereotypes born? Well, before we get to that, let's test out some stereotypes for ourselves, and perhaps our automatic response will suffice by providing the answer for us. We'll begin with an easy example that comes to mind. Girls - Feminine, pink, warm-hearted, high voice. Boys - Masculine, blue, tough, low voice. Psychological findings have proposed that as people observe a group of people that are normally overrepresented in certain roles (for example, girl's as warm and kind-hearted, and boy's as tough and assertive), they come to the conclusion that the traits that appear in these 'roles' belong to the whole entire group. In the society we live in, people tend to make judgments about others, and what better place to do so than the internet? There are certain stereotypes that we unconsciously stick to, and that we are inclined to have preconceived opinions about. Sometimes they're bad, racist, and unkind. Other times, stereotypes can be ridiculously funny. We've been scouring Reddit for the funny and harmless kind. Good news - we've stumbled upon (in our humble opinion) the best of the best, so go ahead and enjoy judging!

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