Monday, October 10, 2022

20 Entitled 'Karens' Imposing Their Stupid Wrath Upon the World

There's no shortage of 'Karens out there in the world today. It seems like everywhere you turn, anywhere you go, or every time you boot up a social app, there's some older woman with cropped hair giving some poor random person or employee the "What-For." 

Why is this happening? Has it always been like this? Have Karens always been out there in the world, and smartphones have finally just exposed them? Or is there really just an increasing number of entitled a-holes out there?

I don't think there's one singular answer here, and it's likely a combination of all of these. But, whatever the reason, we've gathered here a collection of wild Karens imposing their stupid wrath upon the world for your eyes to absorb.

For more entitled people out there in the world, check out these 10 entitled people who rode a big stupid wave of arrogance

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