Saturday, September 17, 2022

‘I’m here, ain’t I?’: Farmers can’t believe how spot-on a doctor on TikTok is with his spoof about rural medicine

If you are from a rural area, then you know that handling pain comes with a different scale than anywhere else. Mostly because the closest doctor is hundreds of miles away, so deciding to see one is basically taking an entire day off, and people who work the rural areas, like farmers and ranchers, don't have time to waste an entire day of work by going to see a doctor. TikToker Dr. Glaucomflecken perfectly captures how rural medicine works and viewers who farm, ranch, or are just from rural areas wholeheartedly agree with everything he says. You share a pharmacist with you and your animals. Your doctor is also the town's mailman or local politician. And if a farmer voluntarily goes to the hospital on their own accord, then you know it's something very serious. Rural folk love the content so much and also share some of their own stories of rural medicine—mostly about how their 80-something-year-old papaw wouldn't go to the hospital even though he just chopped off his hand or something… Farmers are tough, man! 

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