Thursday, August 11, 2022

"What Paranormal Experience Changed You from a Skeptic to a Believer?" Viral Medium has People Sharing Their Spookiest Stories

Not everyone believes in ghost stories. They're just tall tales adults told us as kids to give us a wholesome spook or maybe to keep us away from somewhere/something dangerous. Cryptid tales, demonic encounters, unexplainable experiences, whatever it was, you can't just convince anybody to believe. Well, whether you believe in ghost stories or not, there are people out there who do and it's usually because of something spooky that happened to them. A viral medium on TikTok who is constantly sharing her own scary stories, called upon her viewers to share their own from when they were skeptics but it changed them to believe. They were thrust into a terrifying circumstance that forced them to start believing. We've shortened these stories down to give you just the nitty gritty spookiest parts of these stories. All these people swear these experiences are true, even if they themselves don't know how to explain it. Sometimes things happen that just don't make any realistic sense, but that doesn't mean they didn't happen… And you know, it's said that once you hear a true ghost story, it's more likely that you will now encounter a ghost yourself… So continue on with caution. 

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