Friday, August 5, 2022

Viral Thread: Neighbor Leaves Rude Note on Car For Parking in Front of Their House, The Internet is Heavily Divided Over Who is Wrong

An exchange between two neighbors has gone viral after one of the neighbors posted screenshots of their exchange online. Responses to the thread have been mixed as the internet is divided over who is to blame.

This thread was posted to r/mildlyinfuriating by Redditor u/kayaniv with the title "Our neighbor doesn't like it if anyone parks on the street in front of their house." There the thread has earned 16.4k upvotes. 

Initially, commenters seemed to be taking the side of the thread's poster, who claimed that their neighbor was unreasonable for their repeated requests that they not park on the street in front of their house.

Other perspectives emerged in the thread, with commenters starting to poke holes in the poster's narrative. It all started with the captions that were on the posted images:

"We are both trying to work from home with a newborn at home," the poster notes on the first image. "Meanwhile, our neighbor has a problem whenever someone parks on the street in front of their house."

"The cleaning ladies parked in the shade one day, and that got them mad," the second image explains.

"They lost their sh!t when our nanny tried parking in front of our next neighbor's house," describes the third image. "Her car was 6 inches closer to them than they liked. Again, inches, not feet."

There is something about the tone of these messages that some commenters picked up on that made them stop and pause for a moment. These, combined with other responses in the thread from the poster, started to paint a different picture: "Did you even read my comment fully?" "Read the captions." (Worth noting here, these captions only load correctly on Reddit's App) "You misspelled amuse." Responses like that leave a bad taste in your mouth about the poster's narrative.

It's also worth mentioning the other context clues we have here that some commenters have addressed. Like, do they really have a full-time nanny who drives a black BMW SUV? We just are not talking about the tax bracket readers might first have pictured here. 

The nanny drives a BMW SUV, they have a full-time nanny when they are both working from home, and she's parking in front of the neighbor's house every day. Ok, that's kind of annoying. Right?

This kind of thing could grate on a relationship with even the best neighbors. Especially if you've tried addressing it with them peacefully and they're too entitled to listen to you. 

If even Totoro kept parking his damn Cat Bus in front of my house, I'd start getting frustrated too. You know?

Not to mention the other issue here seems to be that the "cleaning ladies" (plural) park in front of the neighbor's house. Why can't they park in front of the house they're serving? The neighbor's note even gives us some context here and states that there's room there. Why is this guy so adamant that his servants park down the street from his house?

I can't believe I'm saying this... It always feels weird to me when things turn out this way; we're so used to taking the narrator's side. But the neighbor has a point here, regardless of whether they approach the situation incorrectly. What do you think? 

Read to see the screenshots and some of the reactions from the thread. 

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