Wednesday, July 27, 2022

School Fires Teacher When They Try to Give Notice, So They "Burn" Their Grade Book and All Records

A teacher gave notice and was swiftly fired by a vindictive principal, who then wanted access to their teaching records. The teacher taught a night class part-time "just for some extra cash." They taught this class for a few days every week in addition to their full-time role and the local high school. They report that they enjoyed their time at this school until a new principal came on board. After handling constant nitpicking about insignificant things, they had had enough.

The teacher, Redditor u/cb92392, shared their story to Reddit's /r/antiwork subreddit this week, where it drew a sizable amount of attention, earning 5.8k upvotes. 

"I'm not gonna call you an a-hole [for] it," remarked morethanfromnofall in the top-upvoted post. "You offered them a month, you got insta fired for it, then they ask you for one more thing. They can f*-k right off and work it out."

"My department bullied me and harassed me for 10 months and sent me nasty text messages when I resigned at the end of my contract," shared another teacher, u/SearsShearsSeries. "To the point where I had to contact law enforcement. Yesterday, I get a text message from one of the other members of the department asking for my records and all the work I did last year. Guess who got screenshots of the nasty text messages back and none of my hard work. Schools are just toxic cesspools, and I can't wait for my loans to be forgiven to get out."

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