Saturday, July 30, 2022

Manager Gaslights Owner Into Giving Employees More PTO

An employee, who had found themselves circumstantially in a management role, took it upon themselves to rewrite the terms of their employment when they set out to create a new employee handbook. Their ultra-wealthy and volatile boss thought nothing of it and accepted that this must have been the way things always were.

How is it possible to own a company, be responsible for a group of people, and have no idea how you're treating them? It just speaks to the fact that these employees are just numbers on a board to the owner, dehumanized to the point that they are just the means for accumulating more wealth. 

The thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by user u/blatanttrees, who shared their story to the applauding masses. 

"Ahahah, I pulled this sh-t when I was creating our employee handbook too," shared judyvi. "I had negotiated my PTO prior to starting (and everyone automatically got the same as I did) so that wasn't an issue, but sick time and holidays. I put down every holiday and added sick time that didn't actually exist."

"Yesss!!! Well done! Way to bark up and not down - very important in management!" responded Vegan_4evah.

"Shitty managers are the worst, but good ones are often in a really tough spot," said TWAndrewz. "They have responsibility but often no power to change anything, get their teams more money, time off, or other things."

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