Friday, July 15, 2022

Insane Manager Tells Mother She Can't Miss Work to Stay With Her Dying Child, Gets Fired

This viral Facebook post was shared originally by a mother who was distressed over her manager's response to her notification that she would be missing work due to a tragic family emergency. The mother's child was in the hospital and on life support but the manager wasn't having any of it. The manager referred to it as more "drama" and told the mother that she was quitting her job if she didn't come in. 

Screenshots of the viral Facebook post were posted to the r/antiwork subreddit, where they were trending yesterday as one of the hottest posts on the popular subreddit. This is just one of many posts on the quickly growing sub that feature horrible bosses

Commenters found sources that say the manager was fired shortly after this first went viral.

"'Dawn', the manager, has been fired." replied z_buzz in the top comment. 

"This is worth knowing," commented Serraph105, who shared the following statement from the allegedly involved company below.


We'd like to follow up on the issue brought to our attention recently regarding how an employee time off request was handled by one of our managers. We investigated and have found that the situation was handled improperly and without the compassion that we value as a company. For that, we are very sorry.

As a result of this finding, we took quick action and that manager is no longer employed by ---------. We have also reaffirmed to our employee that she will be able to take all the time off that she needs during this difficult period. We'd like to thank the public for their concern."

Scroll on to see the screenshots and reactions from the r/antiwork thread below.


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