Sunday, July 17, 2022

20+ Hilarious Signs That Tickled Our Funniest Bones

Signs are an important part of our societal structure. They provide incredibly important direction to passersby, whether or not the information provider is actually present. In a way, they're incredibly similar to an NPC in a video game whose sole purpose is to provide you with one line of dialogue that may or may not help you on your quest. Sometimes their instruction could point you to a cave filled with treasure, or provide you a clue as to where you should go next on your quest, but sometimes they are entirely useless and just there because a developer was bored one day. These signs are in the same category as that third group of NPCs. They may not be providing any important direction or saving you from any dangers but they're still their doing their duty and providing a little entertainment. 

Scroll on to peruse this latest collection of funny signs and if you like these, there's a whole lot more to be browsed

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