Thursday, June 23, 2022

"You Had One Job" Moments That Didn't Get Things Quite Right

Most of us identify ourselves by our occupations. "What do you do for a living" is the first question most of us think of while making terrible small talk with a friend-of-a-friend as your mutual actual friend goes to the bathroom. In like a separate room. If it was right in front of you, then you would actually have something interesting to talk about.

Anyway, for most intents and purposes, you are your occupation until you reveal some kind of major personality defect that supersedes your job title. You stop being "Jim the electrician" and start being "Jim the guy who I saw eat a coaster thinking it was a cookie and who also says he's an electrician."

Even if we don't respect someone on personal grounds, we still assume that they're doing their job correctly. And based on images like these, it turns out that's too strong of an assumption to make.

Here are some "not my job" moments of unprofessional absurdity.

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