Friday, June 10, 2022

Radio Station Won't Fix Phone Mix-up, Dad Starts Telling People They've Won Free Cars

It's not uncommon for people to have wrong number mix-ups that result in them getting calls intended for a place of business. Some people just listen patiently or learn to ignore it. But some of us are more adept at making lemonade from lemons, like the time this unreasonable store owner who wouldn't update their phone number so a dude fought back.

It seems like if you just asked nicely, people would be willing to help out. But that's nt always the case. Sometimes people will only solve a problem when it starts impacting them personally. And as it turns out, people mistaking your home phone number for a business puts you in a very effective place to make it that business's problem. This person recounted the time their phone number was mixed up with a radio station's request line, and it inspired others to share their weird experiences with similar phone number confusions.

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