Sunday, June 19, 2022

People Share Times "The Worst They Could Say Is No" Was Worse Than "No"

There's little gain in life without taking a few risks. And while rejection is hard, we comfort ourselves by saying those magic words, "the worst they could say is no." And while that's usually true, there are other instances where being vulnerable, showing our cards or extending ourselves can backfire for us catastrophically.

It could be a crush you ask out who says "I would literally rather go on a date with a trench coat full of rats than spend another second with you" right before she gives you a wedgie. It could be a boss who you ask for a raise who says "this is a great time to talk about some cutbacks we're making at the company" right before he gives you a wedgie.

Life can be a lot, and you've gotta risk it for the biscuit. Even if there's a nonzero chance that biscuit could be bad news and an atomic wedgie.

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