Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Distressed Mother Takes Baby Formula From Hoarder's Cart, Asks Internet If She Was Wrong

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by a distressed mother, posting from a "throwaway" account 
u/throwawayformula893. u/throwawayformula893 wants to know if she was wrong for her actions during the incident that occurred while she was trying to find baby formula to feed her child. 

This isn't something that we would typically be able to voice support for. Typically snatching things out of other people's shopping carts would be highly antisocial. Even in this situation, it crosses some of the lines that societal norms set. But, that being said, was it an unethical move? Hoarding during a crisis or emergency is undoubtedly unethical. This must mean defying a societal norm to make sure that you stop these people (and get what you need to survive) is ethical. 

Looking at the situation in this way seems to be the reason why Reddit ended up voting "NTA" (Not the A--Hole) on this thread, despite the immediate issues with this mother's actions. 

User poddy_fries touched on this line of thinking with their comment, "Y'know, sometimes the question isn't if you're TA, it's that it's not always morally wrong to be TA. Edit: NTA"

What's your take here? TA (The A--Hole) or NTA (Not the A--Hole), or does Everyone Suck Here (ESH)?

Keep reading to see screenshots of the original post and the internet's responses below. 

Thumbnail Image: Lucy Wolski

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