Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Painfully Relatable Things That Feel Illegal To Do But Aren't

We try to live in a way that won't get us thrown in jail. But at the same time, there are certain things that we feel forced to do based on convention, even with no real legal repercussions. There are tons of them. Small moments where we get the sense that we might be slightly out-of-line, even if we're just living our lives in a way that inconveniences no one. "Uh oh, I hope no one thinks I'm a monster" we say to ourselves, slightly pushing someone's full, unattended cart out of the way at the grocery store. "Dear god, they're on to me," we think, sitting at a red light next to a police car, doing absolutely nothing wrong.

There are a weird amount of these moments where we feel like we're probably doing something wrong even when we're totally fine. But then, there are also moments where we find ourselves doing something and then thinking "wait, that's illegal." It's a strange life to lead.

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