Saturday, April 9, 2022

Jerk Sister Kills Brother's Bird While Housesitting, Demands Payment Anyways

When you have to leave your home for an extended period, whether a family emergency or an extended vacation, it's nice to know that you have someone you can rely on to take care of things around your home. Usually, your most significant concern would be your pets, but there's always the house plants and the garden to take care of. Heck, even having someone around to keep an eye on the place can bring you priceless peace of mind. 

It's devastating to return home and find that things haven't been taken care of as you had envisioned. Suddenly, that vacation seems a little bit less worthwhile. Now, you have to deal with replanting the garden or replacing your favorite plant… and plants can get surprisingly expensive (Have you heard of "tree law"?) Even worse still is coming home and suddenly having to mourn the loss of a beloved pet, as this poor lad had to.

Nothing will bring that bird back but, forget paying her; she should be paying compensation for her negligence.

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