Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Deranged Mother-In-Law Announces Couple's Pregnancy On Facebook Before They've Told Anyone, Refuses to Delete It

An expecting mother found herself having to plead with her mother-in-law to take down a social media post when the mother-in-law posted about their pregnancy before they were ready to announce it to their family and friends. Despite rational and polite arguments initially, the mother-in-law "Kristi' still refused to take the post down.

The mother, Reddit user u/Nalas_ofthe_balas, posted screenshots of the text conversation between her and her mother-in-law. They were posted to the aptly named r/insaneparents Reddit sub, where they went BIG for the relatively small sub, earning sixteen thousand upvotes and making it onto the "best of" r/all page. 

Kristi needs an attitude adjustment and needs to learn to step in line if she wants to continue being a part of this family and ever seeing that grandkid once it is born. 

Commenters are predictably outraged and have put the mother-in-law to the torch. Users are suggesting cutting the mother-in-law off entirely suggesting things like, "Make sure she finds out about the birth on Facebook, for sure."

The mother responded that "Literally feel like doing this but feel bad for my partner 😔."

She was told by one user, EyeDocBassPlayet, "Don't do shit like this via text. Ever. Pick up the phone and talk to them." To which she replied, "Tried. Partner called multiple times. Got her sister involved to try to reason with her. Hung up on several times and told to f#*k off. Sister was told it was none of her business. Which was ironic considering.. well.. the obvious."


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