Monday, March 7, 2022

Modern Day Shakespeare Writes Incredible Sonnet, Internet Amazed

This tinder virtuoso exceeded the talents of the bard himself when he undertook the task of fulfilling his match's request. 

Redditor and dedicated lover, u/drewhead118, asked his tinder match what it was that she wanted him to write for her. When she replied, "A Sonnet about a first love." he went above and beyond to deliver for her.

After spending almost all of the ensuing hour, u/drewhead118 delivered a masterpiece onto this fair maiden. While the sonnet itself is a masterful piece of work… The true talent lies in the messages that are hidden within. 

His match was wowed by the brilliance of his poetic skill but it wasn't until he delivered his secret instructions to "read the first letter of each line" that she saw the mastery of his work. 

That wasn't all there was to this trick, oh no. Once she had solved the riddle offered by the first instructions he revealed the second layer of mystery that lay hidden within.

Did he get her number in the end? You better believe it.

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