Tuesday, March 29, 2022

HOA Doesn't Tip On Massive Pizza Order, Gets Whole Neighborhood Blacklisted

To some, the HOA is a mark of quality, a seal of assurance that you're living in a "proper" neighborhood, whatever that's supposed to mean. But for many, it's just an organization where your most power hungry neighbors who have the most fascist ideas about what proper garbage can placement is and the most free time to argue about it get to stretch out their bullying legs and tell fellow adults that they can't paint their house a certain shade of gray.

There are tons of times when the HOA does more harm than good, like this busy body "HOA Karen" gets a guy's car towed without actually being on the HOA board or this time where a homeowner staged a revolution against their corrupt HOA. As it turns out, people don't like being fined by their next-to-zero authority having neighbors, and they're willing to battle with them.

In this case, a local HOA got too big for its britches on a massive pizza order, and guess what? No more pizza. Bad HOA. Bad!

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