Friday, March 11, 2022

Features That Quietly Scream "I've Got Tons Of Money"

Most of us have dreams of becoming independently wealthy. Maybe by having a tik-tok blow up and becoming the new face of Arby's, or inventing a flying machine in your garage that runs on farts. Preferably both of those things at the same time. You could fly just about anywhere on one tank of gas if you got free Arby's.

But sometimes it's the people who were born into insane wealth, the people who can't conceive of life any other way, the out-of-touch wealthy people, that really fascinate us. What's going on in those heads of theirs that they lay down on satin pillows? Their beds made of platinum. Their duvets of solid gold so heavy it would crush anyone who decided to sleep under it.

We live in a world with terrifyingly large pits of money that some of us have managed to scrooge-mcduck their way into. Being in a society that has such a stratified system of wealth is fascinating as well as frustrating. The fact that one person might have to buy insulin on layaway and another person just bought a support yacht for their mega-yacht feels inherently gross. It's easy to wonder what the rest of us are doing with our tiny little lives. The lives and attitudes of the wealthy are as fascinating as they are frustrating, and money has an affect on how people interact with the world around them.

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