Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tinder Lady Demands Dinner Date And Gets Hostile, Guy Dodges Bullet

Online dating is a by default a weird thing. Up until only very recently were so many people all expected to get along with complete strangers. And honestly, this exchange is in its own way, successful. These people both realized that they probably wouldn't get along in real life. So in a sense, it's a huge time saver for one person to go totally crazy before ever having to see them in person. And from her side of things, she doesn't have to see "the guy who insulted her IQ and didn't even offer dinner."

On a more fundamental note, it's important to understand that not everyone knows what you're thinking all the time. Everyone has slightly different expectations when it comes to dating, and it's important to acknowledge that if things don't go the way you expect them to, it's likely because the other person has a different idea of what constitutes proper etiquette. If you go around thinking that people's opinions, ideas and quirks are an assault on your character, you're going to spend a lot of time being upset. Like this person.

Boy is it nice that this kind of behavior isn't standard? Here are some glaring red flags that made people dip out of relationships.

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