Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Texts From Exes And Their Respective Complex Perspectives

Word to the wise, don't text your ex.

The thing about people is that they don't exactly change very quickly. And if someone is telling you that they have, they super definitely haven't. Whatever issue that made your relationship not work in the first place is very likely still going to persist, and there's always a pretty good reason you left it that way.

But still, people will text their exes totally out of the blue. Even years after the supposed conclusion of that relationship. Not only will soliciting a person who likely hates you not result in your getting back together, but even supposing that it does work, you're gonna be back at square one, dealing with the problems you thought you'd escaped. Doesn't that just sound like a party?

But it is pretty funny to see what these people's exes had to say. Especially when they only had dumb things to say.

For some more "perspective," here are some reasons people noped out of relationships.

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