Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Irremediable Schism Forms as Dad Gives Grandma's House to Step-Son While She's Still Breathing, She Disinherits Him

An estranged father. A grandmother whose home had been wrongfully gifted. These two pieces set the stage for u/Broad_Mulberry6823's story regarding an irremediable schism within their family. 

u/Broad_Mulberry6823 explains that they have been estranged from their absentee father since they were 15 years old, maintaining a relationship only with their fraternal grandmother on that side of the family. 

u/Broad_Mulberry6823 would soon learn that their grandmother's house had been "gifted" by their father to the father's step-son. Effectively removing u/Broad_Mulberry6823 from any inheritance in favor of their stepchild. 

The jig wasn't up yet. The grandmother, who was still sound of mind and very much alive, had cards yet to play. When she passed it was revealed that she had disinherited her son and left the house to u/Broad_Mulberry6823.

The step-brother had been undertaking renovations on a house that wasn't even legally theirs and was shocked to find themselves ousted from their new home.

u/Broad_Mulberry6823 is worried that they have done something wrong here but from where we're sitting they are in the clear. They have just fairly found their way into a freshly renovated house. Sucks for the stepbrother but that's up to the dad to rectify. 

There are a few major miscalculations that stand out here. But none of them are on u/Broad_Mulberry6823's part. Why on earth would you "gift" a house to your stepson that you hadn't even inherited yet? And why on earth would you renovate and pour money into a property that you didn't own? 

These two actions make utterly no sense to me. They owe any financial losses to their own poor decision-making.


It's always a shame to see rifts between family members but if you enjoyed this check out this guy who disowned his twin sister after she chose to remain friends with his cheating ex. 

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