Monday, February 21, 2022

Choosing Beggar Bride Insists Seamstress Friend Make Her A Wedding Dress For Free

This choosing beggar of a bride wanted her seamstress friend to make her a dress for free for her wedding.

Just imagine the entitlement that you must have to expect someone to provide you a trade or a service free of charge when it is the craft that they make their living off of. Time is money and you need to pay. This, of course, is different when a close friend volunteers their time and skills to you. 

This bride sounds like a really crappy friend. She is so willing to pitch a fit to try to get things her way when her friend is already giving her like 75% ($1800) off of the dress. Imagine saying that that isn't a good enough wedding present. 

This bride is sure to be a nightmare when it comes to adjustments and the dress not "being perfect" so it's probably better that her friend cuts ties and walks away.

For more wedding disasters check out this mother who insisted on pushing her hairdresser and friend onto her daughter.


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