Sunday, February 13, 2022

48 Funny Pun Business Names That Chose Cleverness

Sure, any of us could get fried eggs at "Paul's Diner" but why not take a chance on those eggs at a place called "Mother I'd Like To Cluck." Some of the more boring folks out there would prefer to get their sleeping implements for "The Mattress Warehouse." But put that drab place across the street from "Nothing Really Mattress" and see which one raises more eyebrows. What can we say, we like things that are stupid. The reason? We are stupid. It's relatable. It feels like what we would do. Like start a Star Trek themed plumbing company called "Captain's Clog." It's dumb. We're dumb. And proud of it.

It's unclear if having a pun business name is any better for business but at least it's something to look at. There's just something so awesome about an entire sign someone made just for a dumb joke. Maybe it's the sheer commitment to the bit? For the connoisseurs of sign jokes, here's a funny restaurant sign that dispensed jokes and wisdom.

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