Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Pushy Girlfriend Demands First Bites, Guy Resorts To Eating All Fast Food Secretly

It's a seemingly relatable scenario: "Oh, my girlfriend/boyfriend never wants to order their own food and always takes bites of my own." But this time it's different. This girlfriend seems to have a perverse and unyielding interest in the first bite of everything. Honestly, this sounds like something only lions or wolves do, but she is absolutely obsessed with the first bite. It's to the point where if there's already a bite in there, she loses interest.

And not only that, if he brings it up, she gets argumentative! It would be fine if this were something a person did to try to be cute or something, but the fact remains, she is focused like a laser on those first bites. What does it all mean? Is it a show of dominance? A display of privilege? Is it just the allure of perfectly round and soft, unsullied sesame seed buns?

Either way, this guy went to the internet to ask if he was in the wrong for secretly getting food and eating it in his car without her knowledge. It's already an unenviable position to have to snarf your nuggets like a goblin just to not be accosted for "first bites," but the internet brought up some relevant points about the relationship in general. And for some real juicy relationship overstepping, here's the girlfriend who tried to kick out the cat, but got kicked out herself.

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