Wednesday, September 29, 2021

25 Outrageous Autocorrect Fails to make you LOL | Cheezburger

Predictive text is just a phone's way of trying to help, but sometimes we don't need that help. Like, most of the time. And a lot of those times result in autocorrect fails. It's probably better to text someone the phrase "orn my way horm" than have it get turned into "ornery monkey horns" because the first one can actually get parsed out into meaningful speech. It's good to think of these errors in particular as "AutoCorrect's puberty" when the function was far from perfect and made tons of mistakes, many of them awkwardly sex-related.

And sure, phones have come a long way. But in that time, we haven't changed that much. Our sausage fingers are still smothering the buttons and our phones are just doing their best to turn our impotent finger poking into "you up" texts and the like, so maybe we shouldn't be blaming our phones so much as our inability to use them properly. So when our phones come up with nonsense after we put a bunch of nonsense into them, we're just dealing with the consequences.

Why don't we just disable autocorrect? That's a terrific question. Another great question to add to that is "do you think people like us, who are so cognitively in the dark that they just typed 'where pizza go' into their phone also have the technical expertise to futz with the settings? Like everything else, it's probably easier than it seems, but we are far too stubborn to search for reasonable answers. The buck stops at setting the brightness, then anything more complex than that is basically magic.

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