Monday, December 21, 2020

Twitter Thread: A Man's Observations On First Proper Christmas

Mohammad Hussain's one amongst many unfortunate folks who have had to cancel their holiday plans due to the ongoing pandemic. It's been a historically difficult year, for sure. But throughout all this adversity, it's on us to mindfully work to identify the silver linings when we can. It would seem this guy was able to bring some humor with his observations on his first proper Christmas in the states. It really can be quite the intense holiday filled to the brim with preparations, and all the food and drinks. 


Interior design - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHussain Growing up, my Muslim family never celebrated Christmas. This year I am not going home, because pandemic, so my roommates are teaching me how to have my first proper Christmas. I am approaching this with anthropological precision. Here are a few observations.


Text - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHus. · 3h Replying to @MohammadHussain Observation 1: Christmas is a part time job that you have from mid-November to the end of December. From the outside looking in, Christmas always seemed pretty simple. I always thought you put up a tree and then gave gifts to family. This is a lie. 22 Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHus. · 3h Do you want to sleep in on a Saturday? Too bad. Go put up some lights inside the house. Oh you want to sleep in on Sunday? Too bad. Go put u


Text - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHuss.. 3h v Observation 3: You can buy yourself a gift but you can't stuff your own stocking. I don't understand this one but I told my roommate I bought stuff for my stocking and they said that's not a thing. I don't care. I bought myself mint chapstick and I will fake surprise. 20 Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHuss.. 3h Observation 4: Your gift budget does not matter. You can set this budget as high as you want but the perfect gift will always be $10 too expensive.


Christmas decoration - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHussain My roommates encouraged me to buy my own keeper ornament. They told me to find something that made me smile and that was special to me. I bought this one and I am very happy. It is an everything bagel.


Text - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHuss.. 3h Observation 6: ORNAMENTS ARE EXPENSIVE. That cost me $15.99. That's more than three everything bagels. I am furious. For what it cost, you best believe that I am insisting that it be passed on to my great grandchildren. If they break it I will haunt them. 27 1 24 Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHuss.. · 3h Observation 7: The religious aspect of Christmas is optional. T really like this one. If I was to suggest having a secular Ramadan to my mother she would h


Text - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHussain To wrap things up I want to applaud longtime Christmas celebrators. This is a lot of work and very tiring. I will say I am having a very pleasant time. I am learning that I enjoy Christmas music and gift purchasing. I am also learning that I do not enjoy peppermint. 4:32 p.m. · 19 Dec. 20 · Twitter Web App

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