Saturday, October 10, 2020

County Mower Shreds Dad's Shrubs, Dad Revenges With Rebar

This tale of pro revenge involving an inconsiderate county mower and a dad who wasn't going to put up with anyone's nonsense reminds us of another revenge involving a steel-enforced mailbox and a snowplow. The grin on dad's face must've spanned from cheek to cheek. Sounds like the county mower was ultimately unsuccessful with trying to get dad to cough up cash for those broken blades too. Talk about the icing on the cake. 


Text - r/ProRevenge u/SwizzleMalarki • 1y + Join County mower trimmed down our shrubs for no reason. Go ahead and try that again... First time posting. I was reading a post on here about a neighbor running over the poles in their yard and it reminded me of this story. Also writing this from my phone, so bear with me. Tl;dr at the bottom. When I was 7 or 8 my dad planted a row of shrubs along the front of the property. They started out as scrawny sticks, but fast-forward a few years and they were


Text - After my dad found the corner cut off he confronted the county mower, who mowed the public areas around our house: "Why the hell did you cut down my shrubs?" "Because they were hanging over the road. Anything hanging over the road will be cut back" "What? No they weren't. I keep these shrubs cut so they're only over my property." "I'm not gonna fight you on this. You let them grow up like that and I'll cut them down again." "...Fine."


Text - For those of you that don't know, shrubs grow pretty quickly. A few months later the shrubs had made progress toward recovering and my dad got an inkling that it wouldn't be long before the mower lopped them off again. So he did what any man would do to get revenge in that situation - he went to Home Depot and bought a bunch of rebar. Rebar is a very sturdy steel bar used to reinforce concrete (rebar = reinforcing bar) and nothing short of a steel saw or cutting torch is going to get thro


Text - There were pieces of mower blade strewn about across the road and two of the three blades on the mower nothing but nubs. "You destroyed my mower!" "No I didn't. I made sure that rebar wasn't an inch over the road. That's what you get for mowing down my shrubs" "The county'll be charging you for those blades" "Feel free to have them give me a call so I can have them come out and see exactly what happened." They never called or sent a bill. The mower never touched our shrubs again. And thos


Text - Edit: For those worried about the danger of this, when I say the blades were strewn across the road I mean along the 5 or 10 feet the mower traveled before he stopped. They broke off and fell to the ground rather than flying all over the place. We expected it to just chew up the blades, not break them, but it was worth the cleanup to see the look on the guy's face. Tl;dr: County mower took a chunk out of our shrubs, so when they grew back my dad hid rebar in them which destroyed the mower

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