Thursday, January 4, 2018

Twitter's Still Having A Field Day Over Oregonians Having To Pump Their Own Gas

People on Twitter are having a field day over the news that Oregonians still have to pump their own gas.

Starting January 1st of this year, some counties in Oregon did away with the law that requires some gas station attendants to pump gas. Before moving on, I guess we should take a moment to agree that we've all been doing it wrong apparently. So much energy could've been saved, right? 

Okay, well, it turns out a whole lot of Oregonians are NOT OKAY with having to join the rest of us gas-pumping peasants. Maybe that time spent waiting for the gas station attendant to fill up the Subaru or whatever, was previously spent on richer pleasures in life like eating all the Nature Valley bars whilst stealing time for a quick 5 minute hike around the nearest forest. 

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