Saturday, January 14, 2017

When No One Wears Pants on the Subway Everybody Wins

As the old saying goes, “I can’t wait to take my pants off.”

Being in public is the worst mostly because of pants. I mean, we all know wearing pants is awful and not wearing them is the great. So if we’re all in agreement, why are we still into this whole covering our legs thing. We should be free to be who we want, man, and not let “society” tell us what to do.

That’s what the free-wheelin’ hippies at Improv Everywhere were thinking when they came up with the No Pants Subway Ride” back in 2001. The 16th annual No Pants Subway Ride happened yesterday, and honestly, it looks like everyone was really psyched to finally get out of those restrictive pants and finally be free for once.

This footage is from New York City, where people endured the 22 degrees to drop their trousers on a subway train, but tens of thousands of people participated in over 25 countries.

sigh I wish everyday was No Pants Subway Ride Day.

Bonus: In England, they call it "No Trousers on the Tube Day"

Submitted by: (via Improv Everywhere)

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