Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fail of the Day: Israeli Paper Photoshops Women Out of Charlie Hebdo Rally

news,photoshop,Probably bad News,newspaper

Have you seen Angela Merkel?

The Announcer (HaMevaser), a small orthodox newspaper in Israel, has removed all female world leaders from a photo at the rally against terrorism last weekend in Paris.

Missing from the image is Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo, Denmark Prime Minister Helle Thorington-Schmidt and European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

Here is the original photo:

"Including a picture of a woman into something so sacred, as far as we are concerned, it can desecrate the memory of the martyrs and not the other way around," said editor Binyamin Lipkin.

In the ultra-orthodox community showing women in photos is typically a big no-no, due to modesty concerns, and Lipkin said he was worried about what children might think.

Altering a news photo at a march focused around issues of censorship and free speech is bad enough as is, but the paper's photoshop skills aren't that great either.

Here's a closeup shot of a stray black glove, with no body attached.

Submitted by: (via The Guardian)

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