Saturday, June 13, 2020

Worst Things Coworkers Did Without Being Fired

Someone on AskReddit got a wild thread going about the worst things that people's coworkers have done, without getting fired. Some folks seem to really defy completely reasonable expectations that we have about what people can get away with. It's honestly a wonder that some of these folks got the jobs in the first place. 


Text - ASoft7 • 3d A guy at the plant I work at scrapped $360,000 in airplane parts because he didn't even bother to look at the work instructions. He just drives a forklift now..


Text - kirage • 3d Stole a bunch of marked tools (they were painted white) Showed everyone in the shop pictures of his deer with said tools in the background. Gets reported, boss calls him on it. He said " you got me, I stole a gallon of white paint" Never heard the boss laughing so hard Year later or so he gets promoted lol


Text - camoe1888 • 3d I know someone who managed to close an entire supermarket early for the first time in its history (costing the company several thousands of pounds) because they tried to set a clock on a computer back an hour to avoid missing some deadline for a daily routine. He said it seemed such a good idea at the time.


Text - dataminer-x • 3d Nothing. Documenting work as completed when no actual work had been done. Management knew or was suspicious of it, but not so much as a write up our reprimand. Eventually, management changed, figured out no work was being done, called it fraud, and canned them. The job was easy too, and good money. I don't get why they didn't just do the work.


Text - UnsaidPeacock • 3d Worked with a guy who punctured the main gas line to our shop three separate times. It was a construction company and he somehow was still my superintendent although he could have blown up the shop.


Text - biiingo • 3d HR rep found out about a person's elective surgery and made fun of her with a former employee. Let me recap: this person knew about an employee's private medical information, because she worked with our healthcare plan in her role as HR, and shared that private information with another person for the sole purpose of mocking the employee. She was not fired.


Text - Aufwader • 3d Accidentally send the last three years of account details/back statements from one company to their direct competitor


Text - JonnyRebel357 • 3d 2 Awards Drill a hole clean through a condensate line and have the ceiling of a three car garage collapse when the drywall gave. MeI am that guy. AMA.


Text - NotSoTinyUrl • 3d Worst coworker ever was the credit mooch. He would constantly horn in on other people's projects, getting his name added to them to make it look like he was doing shit when he actually not. If people tried to assign him any work on said project he would have "a personal emergency" or "a virus would make him lose all his work" or "his schedule is booked with other project" or the worst, he would pull some sucker in to "help" him with it, and said sucker would end up doing


Text - Donald-Pump • 3d Had a co-worker that got caught saving customers private photos to his personal SD card when they brought their cell phones in for service. He just got lectured that it was inappropriate.


Text - PBandJman941 • 3d Had a co-worker as a standard business practice falsely condemn furnaces in winter to pressure homeowners into buying new systems and pad his commission check. I couldn't do anything as I had no direct proof, but he would joke about it all the time. It did finally catch up with him when one customer smelled BS and called other companies with advanced testing machines. Took those results and sued the poop out of him. I ended up working for that second company and haven't


Text - BannedfromlHOP • 3d I'm the co-worker in this scenario. I dropped an antenna, causing about 15K in damage & labor costs to repair it. Compete negligence on my part & it could have been 100% avoided. My coworker could have been killed if he had been under it too. Only thing that saved me was that the government reps weren't on location, so they actually took the brunt of the blame. Didn't get fired, suspended, nothing. Got a solid ass chewing from the head honcho, but went back to work lik


Text - MemeAngel37• 3d 1 Award After already being disciplined and essentially demoted for doing his job terribly, my coworker drunk texted all of our managers in the middle of the night asking why they didn't love him. It's been about two weeks and I haven't seen him since, but he's not gone. Not the worst thing he could have done but I cringe thinking about it. Reply 8.0k ...

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