Amidst the madness of posts taking off into viral fame, it's nice to see a meaningful FB post hit our feeds. This one's making waves for its realness factor regarding the intense pressures on working mothers.
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Amidst the madness of posts taking off into viral fame, it's nice to see a meaningful FB post hit our feeds. This one's making waves for its realness factor regarding the intense pressures on working mothers.
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Game Of Thrones Season 8, Episode 5 memes and tweets are here! The internet did not disappoint, as we get that much closer to the final episode. Things got real fiery in tonight's episode, and the internet was left feeling some type of way about how Dany Targaryen decided to handle things in tonight's battle. Let's just say she got mad...
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Jerk Aunt had it coming! This dad is a SAINT. What a satisfying read of sustained heroism. And for the cruel and selfish Aunt to get it in the end is the icing on this cake.
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Check out the insane video footage that's surfaced from an earthquake in Manila, the Philippines. Yikes! Would not want to be in that swimming pool when this went down...
Submitted by: (via Noypi Stuff)
These parents-to-be went FULL whiny millennial in their series of seemingly unbelievable requests. This has to be some kind of sick and twisted joke. There's just no way. I mean, come on...
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Here are some unnecessary witticisms for you to ponder over. You won't exactly learn anything but they're still fun thoughts that you probably have never had before. So grab your loofa and dig deep into your brain folds. Check these out for more neuron-stimulating shower thoughts.
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The Game of Thrones cast is contractually obligated to be nice about the show...
Submitted by: (via Dankius M. Meme)
If they're there to arrest you, that door is getting kicked in anyways!
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This should be required reading for all choosing beggars. They get started at an early age by the sounds of it. This mom's powerful post about her son NOT having to share, makes an effective point.
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Some people truly believe that the world is flat. Maybe this video will help put a stop to all that nonsense.
Submitted by: (via keithcarsonmet)
This was destined for unholy disaster. This guy learned a swift and humiliating lesson in being extra careful about what games you decide to play with your girlfriend's potentially uptight, conservative, deeply religious family. Yikes all around! But an equal amount of hilarity in this story.
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An obvious photoshop job, but still funny!
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The inconvenient thing about the future is that you never know what seemingly insignificant thing is going to become a big deal later on. Here are people whose butterfly effect-style small choices ended up having huge repercussions later in life. For more stories about unlikely things that happened to people check these out.
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Everyone is lying to their kids about something. The difference is in the size of the lie. Some parents hid enormous, life-changing secrets from their kids. Other parents are stealthy about the amount of ice cream in the house that their kids don't know about. On the lighter side of parental lies, here are 29 of the funniest lies parents told their kids.
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The world is full of less than savory characters. Thankfully, most people don't run around leaving literal garbage everywhere they go, or steal free food and try to sell it. But there are a few who do, and boy, they sure are some pieces of work. For more trashiness, check these out.
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Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson wanted to rock Adam Savage's world. So, he broke out his handy-dandy, insane sample of aerogel. Prepare to have your mind blown as well.
Submitted by: (via StarTalk)