Desperately want to believe that Jurassic Park one, but I just can't...
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Desperately want to believe that Jurassic Park one, but I just can't...
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These devils are criminally attractive. Kind of crazy to see the kinds of things people will get away with through flashing a pretty smile.
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Hook, line, and sinker! This idiotic catfish clearly lacked the brainpower to get even remotely close to tricking this woman. Good on her for catching them, and calling 'em out on their bullshit!
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These people will make you want to flee the planet ASAP.
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Donald Trump Jr. tried to sweet talk Twitter, and NOBODY was having it. Does the guy just want to be mocked by the masses on a continually often basis at this point, or what?
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Doesn't get any more clueless than this!
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An (extreme) oldie, but damn, still a GOLDIE.
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At this point we've gotta believe flat earthers are just trolling the shit out of everybody.
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