In contrast to the other interactions we see posted online by customer service persons, this one is pretty innocuous. It does a great job of providing insight into the sheer number of bizarre interactions you have — week in and week out — when you work in a public-facing role. Not all of them are Karens losing their marbles over the slightest inconvenience — but they will still leave you scratching your head and wondering what in gods name you have just witnessed.
I used to sell bikes, and some of my favorite interactions would be when guys would flat-out lie about their height to the point of delusion. This would happen far more often than you might expect, and some of these guys would have literally convinced themselves that they were taller than they actually were. I know my height down to tenths of an inch, so don't claim to be taller than me when I can see the top of your head. Of course, we'd chuck these guys onto the size of bike that they "claimed" they were, and it would soon become wildly apparent to everyone involved in the process that this wasn't going to be a good fit. At this point, I would come up with some far-fetched reason as to why this size wasn't working "for their body type," and we'd get them onto the correct size.
Again, this whole interaction happened far more often than it had any right to, and there's an endless list of crap like this that you just learn to deal with. Everyone has their quirks and idiosyncrasies, and sometimes they manifest themselves in really strange ways.