We can use all the help we can get...
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
We can use all the help we can get...
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You might relate to these on a DEEPLY personal level.
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Finland does NOT mess around when it comes to advertising their cough drops.
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Some habits we just refuse to give up. I mean, in all fairness, there very well could be a monster underneath your bed.
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You never know who's been using your Netflix account. In this case, a friend of an Ex from years ago thought they were justified enough to step in and reveal that they'd been using the account. The entitlement is palpable.
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It's no secret that Wendy's brings down the brutal hammer of ultimate social media sass, on anyone who dares subject themselves to their heat. Today is a special day. It is National Roast Day and the following collection of people teeing themselves up to get sh*t on by Wendy's for the rest of Twitter to enjoy, is better than anything they could put on their menu.
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If you didn't come here to feel, you better turn right back around.
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That's a brilliant mind going to waste...
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Never underestimate what someone's capable of in terms of fiery, petty revenge when their feelings get hurt. These people channeled their emotions into making those others that hurt them the most, regret what they'd done more than we can even fathom. Petty revenge is a dish best not eaten at all!
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We're not really sure who's in the right here. Jeff could just be a Yelp troll, but his complaint doesn't seem to be all that crazy. Vinny seems to be getting a little over-defensive for someone who's telling the truth, but either way it's a fun read. Is "fart guy baby" a popular insult somewhere?
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