Chances are these people are having a rougher day than you
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Chances are these people are having a rougher day than you
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Things got a bit ruff during this sexually-tense conversation between two complete animals.
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These are the kind of maddening problems that make up the soul-grinding process of working as a mall Santa. 'Tis no easy task, to say the least.
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When it's meant to be, it'll be, guys. These two crossed paths QUITE some time ago, and low and behold, they ended up uniting to spend the rest of their lives together! Something of a crazy coincidence, real life fairytale kind of moment, indeed!
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James Fridman is the modern day genie: he grants the wish you ask for, but not the one you want.
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This sassy baby who isn't the biggest fan of Santa, just roasted the hell out of Mr. Claus without uttering a mere word.
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Poor dad didn't stand a chance! @Itsssdanielle's little sister simply HAD to have a cat. So, she went ahead and took the initiative, and put together an equal parts hilarious/ingenious wall of sorrow, to guilt her poor old man into giving in to her Christmas wish.
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It's always uncomfortable watching a fully-grown adult lose complete composure in public. Whether it's a neckbeard having a meltdown over a game or a soccer mom screaming at an employee, it can be one of the most bewildering experiences you can have as a bystander.
Inevitably you're going to witness a few of these scenes in your lifetime. If you're lucky, they won't be as bad as these.
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These ridiculous individuals decided to lie for attention on the internet.
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Easily one of Quentin Tarantino's best movies.
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