Sunday, November 21, 2021

Entitled Lowballer Doesn't Understand Lowballing

What a classic choosing beggar scenario right here. They want something, they get the something, and then their own blinding entitlement leaves them convinced that they somehow got screwed over. It's fascinating (in a bad way) on some level to watch this kind of interaction so grossly devoid of logic, play itself out. 

Company Messes With Delivery Driver's Tips, Pro Revenge Ensues

It's all about knowing your labor laws. There are a terrible amount of companies out there in the wild that are preying on various employees that haven't read up on their labor laws. Knowledge is power, man. 

Double-Take-Causing Images of Skewed Perspective

With a camera tilt here and well placed cat there, one image can quickly become a double-take inducing image of skewed perspective. Sometimes two items will blend together so well that it takes a minute to realize you're looking at some intriguing perspective.

Absurdly Overpriced Stuff People Have Seen

We all know someone who, against better judgement, will buy into the complete BS of an expensive product, and assume that the high price tag is a legitimate marker of quality. It's sad to see, but when someone spends literally any money on a rock in a bag, that's kind of on them. Here are some products that are getting more expensive and somehow worse, as well as some signs someone is trying way to hard to look rich.

Employee Gets Fired, Takes Essential Program with Them

This factory thought it could get rid of an employee but keep their game-changing program. It looks like they thought too fast. For another story of an employee getting the better of an ungrateful company, here's an ungrateful psycho boss that got instant karma.

Puns Ranging From Untreatable to Highly Repeatable

Puns somehow inhabit a realm of humor that's always walking the tightrope of being mind-blowingly clever or unimaginably dumb, and sometimes that distinction just comes down to how you're feeling at the time. Puns range from incredible to untellable and there's no way of knowing it's going to be good until it's said. There's just sackfuls of puns spilling all over the place.

Dumb Things People Witnessed That Leave Little Hope For Humanity

There are some real dumb idiots out there. We all like to think that just cause we have cars and planes and indoor plumbing that the standards for your average person's grasp on reality is vastly better than say, a dirt-farming medieval peasant. But then you talk to someone for 5 minutes and realize that they don't believe in air. What's worse is the dumb things people say with mystifying confidence.

Mildly Interesting Images To Ponder

There's nothing like some mildly interesting images to mull over while you're going about your day. Both of the bananas pictures in this collection of mildly interesting images are definitely a trip. Also, shout out to the champion seahorse lugging that q tip around. Not sure what that's about. 

Random Tumblr Gems of Resplendent Hilarity

The busy minds of Tumblr users crackle with intrigue at the sight of a new stupid observation or completely ridiculous film theory, and it's absolutely worth it to stand at the window of absurdity and peer in like a leering weirdo. Tumblr gems get the brain blood flowing in a way that's hard to pin down. Don't trip and fall or you'll find yourself tumbling through tumblr gems.

Delectably Aesthetic Images of Satisfying Perfection

There's some intangible satisfaction one gets when seeing an artfully stacked pile of perfectly cut logs or a well-trimmed hedge. Maybe seeing satisfying images of aesthetically pleasing perfection just sparks something in our brains like, "oh wow, in this chaotic world, maybe there can be something stable and consistent, even if it is a stack of carrots or good latte art." Whatever it is, there's just something nice about things fitting perfectly.

Fancy Brickwork To Gawk At And Feel Unskilled Over

We don't really think about bricks. In a world where new buildings are steel and transparent, the brick has become a symbol of rugged pragmatism of days past. But in the right hands, a few bricks can become a highly aesthetic thing of satisfying perfection. They're graceful. Very unlike these "not my job" moments of incompetent construction or these OSHA safety failures.

Stupid and Random Ways People Fell Into Money

It's extremely rare and extremely stupid, but sometimes money finds its way into people's hands for what seems like no reason. One chance encounter or ill-advised risk can land a very lucky few of us with randomly gotten gains. That said, once people have money, they tend to spend that money on the stupidest things.

Frustrating Times People Didn't Understand Basic Stuff

Once you get down to it, it becomes pretty clear why things are in the state they are. We live in a world where on any given day you just might hear someone say the dumbest thing you've ever heard. Things get especially hairy when people have vastly different preconceptions about the nature of reality. What's worse is when people say absurd things in complete seriousness, cause that means their gonna be defensive about their misconceptions.

Absurd Lying Stranger Won't Pay for Rug, Thinks They've Won

Nothing is the same type of annoying as a dumb person who thinks they've just defeated you. Such is this low balling stranger who made the unreasonable demand for this rug, obviously lies about buying a different one, and is so dumb that they don't understand a rhetorical situation and believe that they've caught the seller in a lie. Pretty childish.

Guy Causes $3K Of Damage With $4 Worth Of Ice

Never underestimate the destructive power of a bag of wild ice left to create chaos in the back of your very nice car. This person ended up enduring quite the regrettable situation with a measly bag of ice. Apparently, it ended up resulting in thousands of dollars worth of damage.