Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Workers Incensed, Human Resources Department Informs All Staff That They Must Clock Out Before Using the Toilet

This company is attempting to establish a bathroom break clock-out policy after stating that employees were stealing by using the bathroom on company time. 

The move has left employees with an understandably sour taste in their mouths. Workers can't help but feel that the attempt to monitor the time it takes one to complete bodily functions is just one step too far and too authoritative. 

Labor laws in the US, UK, and New Zealand guarantee a worker the right to use the restroom. Still, unfortunately, each of these laws is incredibly vague and does not clearly define the reasonable use of facilities. This has left the issue to be disputed repeatedly between workers and employees. 

One example was when a modified toiled was patented in 2019 for use in workplaces. This toilet's seat tilts downwards to discourage overly long bathroom breaks. After the patent cleared, it was criticized on the internet for crossing the line infringing on workers' rights. 

When u/spicypanda66 shared this post to the r/antiwork subreddit, fellow workers were quick to condemn the company and encouraged workers to gather documentation and file lawsuits should they face this at their workplaces. 

Read on for the post below. 

Internet Supports Husband Telling His Wife She Should Get a Nose Job

A husband has affirmed that his wife should pursue cosmetic surgery after listening to her ongoing insecurities regarding her nose.

In a surprise move, commenters on the internet have voiced their support and affirmed that his response was the correct one. 

The topic hit trending on Reddit's front page after it was posted by the husband, seeking advice on the r/AmItheAsshole subreddit. The husband, who goes by the online handle bcjskxnsjsi, had this to say, "There's nothing I would change about her except that she's really insecure about her nose." 

He explains that no matter what he says, his wife refuses to believe that there is nothing wrong with her nose. She insists that she is hideous and that it needs to be fixed, but she became distraught as soon as bcjskxnsjsi agreed with her and told her, "If she's that insecure about it to the point that it's affecting her mental health, then she should get it done." 

Commenters have stated that they were surprised to find themselves agreeing with the husband after coming to understand the circumstances fully. One commenter mentioned that he was "Damned if you do and damned if you don't." 

With that in mind, it's always best to avoid commenting on anyone's personal appearance. A prime example of someone who never learned that lesson is the husband in another post who insisted that his wife lose weight

See the original post below. 

Pets In Panorama Mode Are Terrifically Fun Abominations

Panorama mode. It lets us take okay, somewhat choppy 360 degree photos of landscapes. But if used on a living, breathing, moving thing, there's a pretty good chance your gonna turn a cat into a caterpillar or a dog into an affront to dog himself. There are extra heads and legs everywhere. These poor animals are just getting their virtual bodies warped beyond comprehension. Go too far and it's not uncommon that a dog ends up looking like an anteater. There are cats that come out looking like furry octopuses and at least one Cerberus. The dogs with multiple heads are the lucky ones. It's the ones that looks like a head with legs, or just a pile of dog that really make us feel weird.

Okay, maybe having a 40 foot long dog wouldn't be so bad. You could start petting its head and then just work your way up to a jog before getting to the tail.

Anyway, animals are fun, and they're even strange creatures when the circumstances are up to them. For example, here are some times cats chose literally anything over their actual beds.

Tumblr Thread: The Office Worker Who Can See Power Levels

What would it be like to see everyone's power level? Sure, there would be a few surprises, but on the whole it would be pretty cool to just look at someone and know that you could beat them in a fight, or at least make them cry with a strongly worded email. Maybe the best part would be the ability to look at your boss and see if they're weak enough for you to ask them for a raise. Or coming across a stranger asking for help moving a couch into his van, but being able to ascertain instantly based on his power level that he's a serial killer. Y'know, cool stuff like that.

This tumblr thread took that idea and pushed it to its unnatural extent. And of course, Tumblr being Tumblr, it turned into a thing about superheroes almost instantly. Maybe we'll get Goku next time, but for now it's DC.

Superhero tumblr is very passionate about the subject. For a sweet example of that, here are batman villains as talk radio therapists.

Idiot Demands Pregnant Girlfriend Take Maternity Test To See If She's The Mother

A surprise pregnancy can be a very stressful situation, especially if you don't know the fundamentals of biology. Dan here seems to have possibly gotten a woman pregnant, and has agreed to a paternity test. Good for you, Dan. He also suggested that she get a maternity test, just to make sure that the baby she is pregnant with is hers. Read a book, Dan.

Sure, it seems fair in the mind of an idiot that if he would have to get a test, that she would also. But it's not hard for the rest of us to understand why this sort of thing would be unnecessary. Namely the baby inside her. The poor, poor baby inside her.

Probably the biggest shame here is that there's a very good chance that pretty soon there could be another little Dan running around, getting his head stuck in wastepaper baskets and touching the stove over and over just to make sure it hurts. For the sake of the human race, we sincerely hope that it's not Dan's kid. Because we deserve better than this.

Mistaken Customers Who Were In The Wrong Place

They say the customer is always right. The thing is, that's not the whole quote. The actual quote is "the customer is always right in matters of taste." The meaning being, if customers want to buy gold propeller hats that say "Big Sally" on them, then by gourd you find them those stupid, stupid hats. It doesn't mean that the customer is right about their opinion that their McDonald's coupon should be honored in an Arby's.

People find themselves in the wrong establishment all the time. Sure, it's every person's responsibility to be at least sort of aware of their location in space and time, but sometimes people get distracted by shining lights or existential dread and end up walking into a shoe store demanding to see the fish.

In this case, people were asked what their "sir, this is a Wendy's" moment was, and people from all walks of employment responded with all the unnecessary and weirdly mistaken junk customers have come up and tried to talk about at their place of work. Gotta love it when you get in an argument with a stranger who thinks they should be able to buy paint at a daycare.

Developer Threatens Couple When They Refuse to Sell Their Land, Gets "Throat Punched Repeatedly" by Fines

A housing developer is facing fines and legal action after using intimidation tactics to get them to sell their home. 

When u/naiasonod and his wife bought a beautiful piece of land "back in the sticks." they decided to go all out. They hired an architect to design their dream home and made it everything they could possibly want. It was "[their] dream home for several years." before they moved on and let their little dream home become a rental. 

The decision to move came hard and fast... When a large housing developer came out to the sticks, sniffing around and looking for a place to build their next suburban nightmare. The developer quickly bought out all of the houses and began gentrifying the area. They approached the couple to see if they would be willing to sell their land, an offer which they repeatedly declined. 

Things began to get nasty when the developer looked into the couple's finances and realized they lived well below their means. They began seeking other ways to make the couple surrender their land or join their terrible HOA. This included harassing their new tenants with threatening letters.

The developer was opening a can of worms that they were going to regret opening. Read on for the full story below.