A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Hopefully Your Thanksgiving Doesn't Get This Out of Control, Ya Turkeys
GIF thanks for family, and friends and the fact that you don't have a vat of oil on fire near your home because you thought you could flash fry a turkey
Submitted by: Unknown
How Famous Painters Do Thanksgiving Dinner
In her new series "Thanksgiving Special," Hannah Rothstein imagines what turkey dinner might look like through the eyes of some famous artists (Like Van Gogh's above). She's also selling limited edition prints of the photos, with a portion of the proceeds going to a local food bank.
Basically yes kids, play with your food. Because art.
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Hashtags of The Day: Twitter Imagines Thanksgiving For Black, White and Hispanic Families
With Thanksgiving almost here, people on Twitter are eager to share their traditions. And these undoubtedly vary from culture to culture.
The hashtags #ThanksgivingWithBlackFamilies, #ThanskgivingWithWhiteFamilies and #ThanksgivingWithHispanics started trending to share hilarious stories from each group.
Do most of these tweets perpetuate stereotypes? Yep.
But are they hilarious? You bet!
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This is What Being Thankful For Your Dad Sounds Like on a Daily Basis
This is What Thanksgiving Around the World Looks Like
Ahh, Thanksgiving. Turkey, pumpkin pie, stuffing, rampant consumerism...
Thanksgiving as we know it is only celebrated in America, but many other countries have their own unique celebrations which are all meant to give thanks and celebrate the end of the season's harvest. Presumably, they all copied America because they thought our idea was so cool. Here are a few of the more famous festivals.
Submitted by: Unknown
President Obama Interrupted the End of The Price is Right to Televise a Speech, and POTUS Payed a Price on Twitter
Going to leave this right here for everyone mad about Obama interrupting The Price Is Right. https://t.co/k9kQDPq1PL
— Jared Smith (@jaredwsmith) November 25, 2015
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9 Hilariously Memorable Thanksgiving Quotes
May your potatoes be plenty and your in-laws leave early!
Submitted by: Unknown