Friday, January 29, 2016

Dafuq is Wrong With This Goat, and Why is It Making That Sound?

Apparently it's a mating related noise, but that doesn't make it any less weird. 

Submitted by: (via Kyoot Animals)

Tagged: goats , sound , Video

A Very British Ending to One Man's Tale of Walking His Dog in the Park at Night

dogs,twitter,list,British,apologies,sexy times

Submitted by:

Michael Phelps Hops Around in a Speedo As Part of the Curtain of Distraction at Arizona State Basketball Game

The 'Curtain of Distraction' is well known at Arizona State University as a hilarious sports tactic. This time Michael Phelps came out Magic Mike style to prevent a few free throws. Just look at those sweet moves, the opposing team was bound to miss. 

Submitted by: (via USA TODAY)

The Moment Your Fishing Trip Turns Carpy

Before You Buy an Expensive Train Ticket Home, See if it's Cheaper to Take an Adventure and Fly Home Via Germany?!?

The Hardest Part of Calling Out of Work is Actually Saying it Out Loud

The struggle is real here. 

Submitted by: (via

Tagged: speaking , FAIL , work , Video

Every Adam Sandler Movie Is Connected, and Not Just By Their Poor Ratings

Language  Warning: Late in the video, some clips from Sandler's work get a little saucy with the language. 

Comedian Shawn Kohne calls it "The Sandlerverse".

via @TheUniBaller

He maps out, in detail how every Sandler movie is related. He even goes so far as to take into account other movies from SNL alumni and his comedy albums as well. 

As interesting as this conspiracy theory of the growing Sandlerverse is, it's doubtful this revelation will save us from more movies by Adam Sandler. It almost makes them seem worth it though... almost. 

Submitted by: (via Shawn Kohne)

When Someone Else Does Something Totally Nice For You

Every Halftime Show Needs a Play-by-Play Like This

Submitted by: (via notalek)

When Car Theft Prevention is Useless, Use Sympathy and Apathy to Get Your Car Back Faster

funny fail image crappy car gets stolen a lot so owner writes thieves a note

The car did get stolen, but the owner didn't have to pay an impound lot to get it back. That's kind of a success, right?

Submitted by: (via mfiasco)

Tagged: stolen , cars , note , thief

Hold On To Your Butts, Someone Has Finally Done Jurassic Parkour!

Trolled Advice Columnist Wraps Up an Episode of Seinfeld in One Paragraph

sienfeld advice Trolled Advice Columnist Wraps Up an Episode of Seinfeld in One Paragraph

An unknown prankster sent in the plot of a two-part Seinfeld episode to the advice columnist Amy Dickenson. The episode in question is called "The Boyfriend" and just as the prankster writes, it deals with Jerry meeting his sports idol who then goes on to date Elaine. 

Amy answered as if it was any other question with a short paragraph that offers solid advice and would have probably cut the end of the episode very short.

She admits on her own website that she missed the joke but she seems pretty good humored about it:

Every once in awhile, I get punked by a villainous, fun-loving reader. I have some affection for these episodes because I often think that if I didn’t actually have a job, punking advice columnists is exactly what I would do with my time. But alas I do have a job and so I am left with the task of sharing my humiliation, as well as trying to enjoy readers’ reactions.

Here's the beginning of the episode in question:

Submitted by: (via @LATimesfarmer)